My lax eating habits, demotivation and lack of inspiration are the reasons why you have not been seeing a lot of personal style posts on the blog but I've decided to give it another try and see how it goes.  

I don't know if it's because I'm currently not in a good place with my body or it is just a part of growing up but my style is so much more simpler now. I have given up most of my heels for flats, I'd rather wear free clothes now and I run away from colors [I don't know if that's a good or bad thing']

I'm learning every day that it's okay to be a work in progress and things don't have to perfect or anything close to perfect all the time. 

And it is so amazing how God uses the little things to teach us life lessons if only we'll just pay attention.

I made this dress last week Thursday and it wasn't until I was about to wear it to take these photos that I noticed I forgot to lock the edges [if you look closely, you'll notice some of the thread] meaning the cloth wasn't done yet. I was so upset with myself for forgetting and I almost didn't go through with taking photos but I did anyway and It did not turn out badly[or did it?], it is almost not noticeable. But that's not even the point

Okay, maybe it is the point. 
The dress isn't finished on the INSIDE but it looks great on the OUTSIDE. 

Lesson for today
Don't let the fact that you're still a work in progress make you love yourself any less. We all have a thing or two that we are trying to fix about ourselves but that should not stop us from being our best selves always. 

I'm wearing Agbada dress I made by myself and gladiator sandals from AMELIA COUTURE


  1. A great design, suits you well, colours and all. Have a nice week and best wishes!

  2. Nice posts Kunmi. Always love to read your blog ;*

  3. Great post kunmi, embracing a simpler style is a good thing but please do indulge in a healthy pop of color something��

    1. Alrigt I will Once in a while!
      Thanks Jessica.

  4. I like the dress and that it's loose fitting!! I believe I know my style more now than I did 2 years ago.

    Being a work in progress is good. It shows that one is willing to learn and grow :)

  5. I love your outfit so much and yes we are all a work in progress see the detailing didn't make you throw it away even when you found out it was not perfectly finished ....

  6. Love the dress. Very valid points too

  7. Amen!! And I love how you just applied that to reality. Ehh I really like this dress ohh *hint *hint


    1. Thank you Mary!
      Haha I'll make one for you when next you come. ;)

  8. i like the simplicity of the dress..Everybody is a work in progress.some people just beat themselves up too much about it!

  9. Lovely dress.
    And your sandals, I love!
    Love the lesson learned. Always a work in progress.

  10. Hello Kunmi,

    I absolutely love how you used your sewing as a metaphor for life. :-)

    Indeed, being a work-in-progress is no reason to give less than your best, and having that mindset prepares you for beauty of the finished product.

    I love your Agbada dress. Out of habit, I tried to figure out the pattern. - Buba foundation with extended shoulders and no sleeves and an elongated hemline.

    The fabric you used is printastic!

    Have a great week.

  11. I love those shoes and such a cute outfit!


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