Day 9: Love says Hello

 A woman, a Samaritan, came to draw water. Jesus said, “Would you give me a drink of water?” 

I used to tell myself I’m not a people person till I realized how shameful that statement was.
I like to be by myself, I’m the type to cancel on people just to stay indoors to watch television or sleep [even though it's important to preserve your energy sometimes]
But that’s not good enough. I can't claim to Love God and not Love people. 
I’m not quite the conversation starter either and I’m always lost in a crowd and most of the time it’s on purpose because I keep telling myself no one wants to hear what I have to say.

Every Lover should be a people person! Love is forever in a good spirit.
Jesus was a people person, I mean he walked around with tons of strangers every day and he never got tired of them, he welcomed them with open arms each time.
Jesus said Hello [see John 4]. He’s the ultimate conversation starter.

I was in the car with one of my mother figures a while back and she stopped to say hello to not less than 10 people before we got to our destination. She noticed the look on my face anytime she stopped to say hello and she says “Loving others and learning to live with them regardless is what makes life interesting” she went ahead to tell me about a girl that saved her whole household just because she said “hello” [Long story short, some soldiers were ordered to demolish her family house but when they got there one of them recognized her; She had greeted him one time and gave him water to drink and wash up and he pleaded on her behalf and that's how she saved her family.]

Day 9: Love says hello

Life can be very easy when Love is your way of life; when you let Love grow in your heart like a flame touching every part of you and even extending to those around you. Every day we pass by several people from different walks of life without saying a word. We’re so much in a hurry to get to our destinations we don’t even stop for a minute to think about how far just one wave or smile would go in someone’s lives. Jesus was on His way somewhere, but he stopped to ask for a drink and have a conversation with a stranger, not just any but a stranger he was “supposed” to dislike [see John 4]. Some of us would rather die of thirst Lol [e.g old me].

We all have good friends with whom they naturally spend their time. But there are so many other people to interact with; in the bus, in class, at work, supermarket etc. Do not be too rigid, keep an open mind and be open to new friendships, let go of shyness.

I don’t know about you, but today I’m going to let God use me. I’m going to be Jesus at the well [or the water dispenser, or at the counter, or on the queue] I’m going to Love on a total stranger today by just starting a conversation, I Love you so I’ll advise you to do the same.

I’m not saying be a talkative, just be nice, smile, say hello, and ask how someone [out of your inner circle] is doing today, talk to that person that sits alone in class or in the office, talk to someone that seems downcast, tell someone to have a great day/week ahead. Say something beautiful to your own samaritan [total stranger] today ;)  

This is day 9 of #31daysofLovinlikeJesus you can click here to see a list of posts in these series.

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  1. hello kunmi. nice read. my mum is one of those hello sayers too, i do it once in a while but i need to do it more. thanks.x

    1. Yes we definitely do. I'm glad this resonated with you
      Thank you for dropping by

  2. "Love is forever in s good spirit"

    Thank you!!!

  3. "Love is forever in a good spirit"

    Thank you!!!

  4. i will, i will! Someone once told me that even in receptions, he always says hello to the person sitting next to him. i found that weird, but now i get his drift. :D
    Keep shining for Jesus, Kunmio

    1. Lol I know right
      sometimes its weird at first but we just have to

  5. i will, i will! Someone once told me that even in receptions, he always says hello to the person sitting next to him. i found that weird, but now i get his drift. :D
    Keep shining for Jesus, Kunmio

  6. Thank you for this reminder. I always give the "Birtish" smile to strangers but I never really start a conversation per se. So, thank you for making love accessible.

    1. Hahaha "the british smile"is the worst! I'm glad this helped

      Thank you for dropping by
      Lets Thank God for using me to make His love accessible


  7. Beautiful! I enjoyed reading this. I guess Love makes you leave your comfort zone and reach out to others. Just like Jesus, God the Son. He left his glory, his splendor to reach out to mere men like us hence we have no excuse. I'm quite shy but since I started learning about Love, God has been helping me so far.


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