Good daily devotionals for your twenties

With many stories like these, he presented his messages to them. Fitting his stories to their experiences and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke.
Mark 4:33

Coming into your twenties is when you start to go through so many life experiences and things that you're not completely sure how to handle start happening in your life. You have to make your own descions and major life choices among other things. People might be able to chip in once in a while to help but at the end of the day you're on your own.

Seeing as it's this decade that defines the rest of your life, you can't afford to do it wrong and it'll be quite difficult not to if you don't have that personal relationship with God. 

You build your personal relationship by learning how God works and how he wants you to react to situations.

There's a story in the Bible for everything you are going through. There's definitely an experience that you can relate to. 

You have to first ask youreself "what stage in my life and experience am I at now; and if I was sitting at Jesus feet [like the disciples back then] what story will he be telling me to help me and show me how to deal."
Mark 4:33

What better way to learn that through a story?

That's why devotionals are important. The bible is broad and devotionals will help you build a FOCUS.

You can't just pick up any devotional. You have to pick one that relates to your situations that's why topical devotionals are the best to indulge in because you'll get immediate answers and solutions. They meet you at whatever stage. It's like Jesus speaking directly to you in person!

These are a few topical devotionals I'm currently Loving!

You version plans

The Youversion app is simply the best. It's perfect for  the average twenty-something because it's digital of course! There's a wide variety of plans to choose from and it sends you a daily reminder. Its available for download on iOS and Android.

RickWarren sends daily emails to your inbox and gives you daily hope for practical life situations.

Touch Points of Hope
Hope is what keeps our Faith alive so we need to be reminded everyday about why we are on this amazing journey with God, we need to keep our hope alive and that's why I love this devotional! It's sort of like a promise book.It touches on different topics; Love, courage, endurance, failure, loneliness and straight forward scriptures about what the Bible says. You can just pick it up and affirm promises over your life. You know how big I am on Affirmations

What devotionals are you currently using
Do share in the comment box

Peace x Love! 


  1. I LOVE the you version plans, it's so versatile and you can find any topic for a devotional!! I also use the Jesus calling devotional book by sarah young for days that i need some lifting up. I also just realized i have the touchpoints for graduates, got it many years ago as a graduation book and never opened it. Will definitely be using it for devo

    Oreleona | BLISS de la Leona

    1. Touch points is really wonderful!
      You should totally start using it.
      I'll be sure to check out Sarah Young

  2. Bless you for this post.. I use open heavens and kjv Bible app they have a daily devotiona feature.. Just checked out Rick Warren , beautifully and dutifully subscribed 🙌 .. Thks for this post, well served..


    1. You're always welcome!
      Glad to be helpful.

  3. I started 3 youversion apps earlier in the month and at first I was really gingered but now I'm back to slacking:(

    1. Hi Cassie
      We all have those moments and you shouldn't feel bad because there's always room to do better.
      you should probably try with one first then take it from there.

      All the while having the mindset that you're reading your devotional because you love God and want to learn how he works and how he'll want you to attend to life's situations not because you feel you have to or he'll be mad at you if you don't.

  4. Love the devotionals on Youversion! Abide is also a cool app for prayers


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