Day 20: Love Constrains us

Hello Lovelies! 
I can't believe it's day 20 already! Thank God for bringing us this far. If you would like to contribute, send me an email at;
 I was going to title this post "Love dresses to save" but then that doesn't cover the entirety of all the spirit led me to talk about in this post because love does not jus dress to save but also speaks to save and acts to save so I waited till I got the right title. I was reading Love: The way to victory by Kenneth Hagin as recommended by a friend (and I recommend it to you as well) and a whole chapter was dedicated to talking about how the Love of God constrains us and I knew that was the title for this post as it fully covers everything I wanted to share and more. 

The Love of God has the first and last word in everything we do and it should never be taken for granted. As Christians, when we give our lives to God and learn to abide truly in His love, there'll be a change  in the way we used to do things because old things are passed away and all things become new (see 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). But old things are passed away only in your spirit and in your heart. But not in your mind or in your body (see 2 Corinthians 5:6)

For example, I talked about dressing to please God in this post HEREwhen I saw Tomilola talk about it extensively in this post HERE
You see, I did not always think that way especially before I gave my heart to Jesus. I dressed as it pleased me and as its pleased "men" I dressed in certain ways because I knew people would refer to me as "sexy" and I didn't care if it caused a man to sin or not. But after I gave my heart to Jesus whenever I want to dress in certain ways on purpose, the Holy Spirit would constrain me and say "no don't put that on, it does not speak well but even at that, sometimes because I still have the same old mind and body, I'd still wear them anyway and I'd go "Well, but God sees my heart. and He knows I'm trying my best to  please him". 

For me, it was about dressing, for some others it can be using words that are profane, or it can be behavorial attitudes. All these things are what people can see, not your heart and like Tomilola said "you might be the only bible other people read" You have to portray God's Love through every aspect of your life. You cannot expect to speak, dress or act in certain ways and still try to convince others that you're a Christian, you might end up doing more of confusing than convincing. A true lover dresses to save, speaks to save, acts to save and not to kill or cause another to wallow in sin. As Christians, we should let the Love of God constrain us to act like He would. 

Loving like Jesus constrains our mind and body to sync with our renewed spirit. We would always have flesh and worldly desires to contend with [see 1 cor 9:27] but if we let the love of God and others constrain us, they cannot overcome. Loving Like Jesus requires that we take every aspect of our lives and place it before God.
Romans 12:1-2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Love requires that we do not conform to trends of the world, but we rise above so we can show others the way and that we act in Love both inwardly and outwardly. Simply put we have to let the Love of God constrain our thoughts, our speech, our actions and even our appearance and that can only be possible when we renew our mind daily. It is the renewal of the mind that transforms the body and helps us to be receptive to understand God's perfect will.

This is day 20 of #31daysofLovinlikeJesus you can click here to see a list of posts in these series.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I've been spending time with God lately and trying my best to be consistent with studying his word. I learn more about his love whenever I read the scripture. I used to look for love in all the wrong places until recently when I read deeply about how he gave his life to save me (us) on that cross. You know, it's not like I haven't heard the story or read about it before, but there was something different when I read it recently. There's just something about his love that makes you feel like you can accomplish anything and everything, and we can. While I was reading my bible today, I learned more about his love for us, and it's just mind blowing. We all have to learn and understand his love for us first hand. About dressing, I totally agree with you. About two years ago, I decided to stop exposing any part of my body that would cause a man or a woman to sin. I want to be able to glorify God in whatever it is I wear. I must admit, sometimes it's very hard not to fall for the flesh, but by his grace we can overcome the flesh. Thank you for your words, it really helped. I just found out about the 31 days growth, hopefully I will follow through for the rest of the month by his grace. May his grace continue to abide with us. Amen.


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